Sunday, May 26, 2013

Densha Otoko Dorama

With the popularization of anime and manga the term otaku became well-known around the world. But are japanese otakus different from western otakus? How do they go in a love relationship? You may find the answers watching the Japanese drama called 電車 (Densha Otoko), translated as Train Man.

The drama follows the story of a 23 year-old otaku called Yamada Tsuyoshi after he rescued a beautiful woman from a drunken man on a train. They eventually end up exchanging their phone numbers and Yamada finally decides to invite Saori, the rescued woman, to go out on a date. But as Yamada does not know anything about dating, he decides to look for some advice on an internet forum. The forum advices became Yamada’s main guide to be in a relationship with a woman that couldn’t be more different from him. The story also became a movie, novel and a manga.

This comedy/romance tv series has some hilarious moments and, as in most of Japanese dramas, it has some overly dramatic moments too.  But the drama will make you laugh so much that you will forgive the embarrassing moments.

Densha Otoko drama has 11 episodes and is supposedly based on a true story.

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