Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Can you speak japanese, right?

Whenever people look at me and know that my parents are Japanese, it’s inevitable:

-So, can you speak Japanese, right?

It’s embarrassing, but my reply is “not yet”.  I think the reason that I’m still not fluent in the language is probably because my parents are immigrants. They can speak Japanese properly, but at home -or among other immigrants- they speak something else. They speak what I call “immigrant”. A mix of Japanese and Portuguese. I grew up listening a language that is somehow in the middle of it. 

So, to be fluent in Japanese, I need to study. Just like I did with English. Of course it is easier to me than it would be to a non-descendant. But I still think my parents language is very hard to learn. 

The thing with learning another language is that the more you study and the more you keep in touch with the language, the faster you will be fluent in it. A foreign language can be intimidating. But you need to face it with open heart. And never be afraid to make mistakes.  I make a lot.

Some recommended websites:

Some recommended study materials:

-The Key to Kanji: A Visual History of 1,100 Characters
-A Guide to Remembering Japanese Characters
-Japanese English Bilingual Visual Dictionary

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